Frequently Asked Questions

Who founded the company?

Roma Ma’am, who has been in the education industry for over 30 + years. She wanted to give back something to the community that she

loved to work with. That was the birth of Infinity Learning.

What are various courses being offered by Infinity Learning?

Infinity Learning currently offers language development courses which. Over a period, and in a progressive manner, will move from academic to

application. After connecting with the schools and teachers. It will offer various courses for teacher development. A teacher can take small steps by taking mini courses or large steps by taking bundles or advanced courses and learn at his/her pace. Infinity Learning is an ever-expanding platform to serve the community.

What is the minimum age for children to join Infinity Learning courses?

There is no such minimum age limit. If they can understand the course, even grade 1 children can take up relevant courses.

Do I get any practical training as well?

All the courses are designed in a way that there are Master Activities at the end of each course. This gives enough practice to you to learn the

concept thoroughly. All those who purchase any course can connect with Roma Ma’am on to get practical insights and


What is unique about courses offered by Infinity Learning?

The courses are at a grassroot level. They adhere to the SHARE model of learning irrespective of a learner’s preference in the way he/she would like to learn. The courses address the same. Roma Ma’am has been one of the most successful teachers and has coached many teachers and helped them to take their concepts at a grassroot level where children easily absorb the learning because Fun x Content = Learning.

Will my child get the certificate after completion of the course?

Yes, every course taken will have a soft copy of the certificate mailed to the learner.

What are the minimum system requirements to subscribe for a course from Infinity Learning? Is the Internet needed to run this course? What speed and bandwidth?

A computer or tablet or mobile phone with a decent internet connection is required to access the resources from the course. A good internet connection of at least 512kbps speed will be fine to watch the course videos.

Where should I contact if I need assistance for some courses?

You can contact us at

Why Infinity Learning?

Life is constantly changing for every one of us. The pandemic brought such drastic changes to our lives that the world changed to a large extent. The education sector came to a standstill, and no one had a clue about what needed to be done. The organisation that Roma Ma’am worked in, asked her to take online classes every day and observe teachers.

She realised that the teachers were getting exposed to parents and faced the flak as they were not aligned to the online mode of teaching despite being good teachers. That is when she thought of doing something to help the teachers and thus Infinity Learning was established.

What are the charges for courses from Infinity Learning?

Infinity Learning invests a lot of time, effort, and money to create specific and targeted courses to help the community. The mission is to serve the community and thereby empower the nation. To enable the stakeholders like schools, principals, teachers, parents, and students to interact, become interdependent and improve the education system in the country to create future leaders and bring about a transformation.

Hence, the courses will always be affordable considering the knowledge and skills to be gained. Also, on certain important occasions there will be offers on the courses which the community can benefit from.

Do I get any additional benefits for buying two or more courses for my child at a time?

You can reach out to Roma ma’am on and we would be glad to consider your request on a case to case basis as our

motto is not to generate profits but to help the community and nation.

What are the methods of payment?

Netbanking, Google Pay, Instamojo

Can I take a demo before registering for a course?

There are previews available to help you take the decision.

Do I have to pay any GST or other taxes also or that is included in the total fees?

Ideally, the GST must be paid by the end user. However, since infinity Learning is working on a mission to empower India and create one of the strongest communities of the country, we are very glad to absorb those costs.

There are a lot of other sites which offer courses for a very nominal charge. Why is there a big difference in your pricing?

If you look at the western world, their mission is money making.Whether they are a course creator or provider, some Indian websites

have copied the formula after studying the western websites. Infinity Learning does not wish to copy any of these formulas but wishes to focus on building a strong community to empower the nation.

We have done extensive research on quite a few of these websites and found that the courses are very broad and have many chapters to encourage people to buy them. They do not address the core problems and provide the solution. We would like to hear from you, understand your pain points through surveys and contests to come up with courses that serve the purpose and price them to at least meet the ends of expenses incurred in creating the course.

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