Infinity Learning Pvt. Ltd.


Infinity Learning is a Digital platform catering to all kind of education online and also offering Academic Services to Schools and Ed-Tech companies.

Our Vision

To create an interdependent community of schools, teachers, parents, and students where in all the stakeholders can leverage the knowledge and skills of one another to transform themselves, their organizations and empower India.

Our Mission

To create a website as a learning platform for students, teachers, parents, and schools; interact with them, touch their lives, enable all of us to work together to transform ourselves, our institutions, and the nation.

Learning Platform

To have a website which caters to school managements and principles.

Community Wall

To provide a wall for all schools where they can showcase pictures and short videos of celebrations and events conducted in an academic year.

Guiding Force

To guide and mentor teachers and help them to transform themselves into the enablers of an educated and transformed nation.

Free Resources

To provide a digital platform for schools to make their presence known to the parent- student community through the website, YouTube, social media platforms and our blog.

Program Solver

To interact with the schools, understand their pain points and problems and provide online, digital or offline solutions based on individual, regional challenges.

Skill Development

To provide a wall for all schools where they can showcase pictures and short videos of celebrations and events conducted in an academic year.

Academic Services

To provide structured training, coaching and mentoring services for schools and teachers.

Learning Management System

To interact with teachers and understand their pain points and offer recorded and live webinars, online courses which they can take up and complete at their own convenience.

Our Three Main Offerings

Courses in English & Language Development

Infinity Learning provides a bouquet of language development products for both academic and application-based learning. The students have a choice of deciding the pace at which they want to learn, also, decide whether they want to buy one product at a time or buy bundles to save money. Also, the students can first pick up the academic program to build a strong foundation, and then the application-based programs like Spoken English part to apply the learning in real-life and impress people with their language skills.

The courses are for parents who want to develop their skills, teachers who want to learn how to take language as a subject to be taught in the class either online or offline and, students who want to improve their language skills.

A Platform for people who have a passion to teach

Infinity Learning is delighted to offer this platform for any parents or teachers who wish to share their knowledge or skill with the community either for free or for a fee. For example: if a teacher has developed a very effective template, tool, ebook, or course and wishes to share it with the entire teacher community, he or she has this platform to do so. The same holds good for parents and students also.

Academic Services

Infinity Learning is dedicated to serving Schools and Edtech companies, by handholding them in different ways both online & offline. The Academic Services offered are:

1. Academic Observations & Audits

2. Teacher Development & Coaching

3. Teacher Courses

4. Student Courses

5. Become Teacher

6. Teacher Recruitment

7. Webinars

8. Training

The schools are welcome to connect with us for any of these services required.

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